Founded in 1833, St. Vincent de Paul Society is an international, Catholic, lay organization that helps those in need. We are not a social service agency, we are a person to person Catholic Ministry that sees the face of Christ in the face of those who are suffering. The vision of this society is to End Poverty Through Systemic Change. Our chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Alfred is currently housed at St. Alfred (24175 Baske St., Taylor, MI 48180).
They are staffed to provide assistance on Thursdays from 9:30 - 11:30 AM. Assistance includes emergency food from our food pantry, assistance with utility bills on a season basis through a partnership with T.H.A.W., assistance with clothing and furniture through vouchers at the St. Vincent de Paul Society thrift store and referrals to other organizations for more help. For more information or to donate, please call (313) 291-4888.
ChristNet is a partnership of more than 50 Christian worship communities (several of which are Catholic churches, including St. Alfred) and non-profit organizations. The mission of ChristNet is to provide temporary overnight emergency housing assistance and other services to homeless men, women and children. They do this by providing a safe secure sleeping space indoors; offering three meals per day; and by maintaining a case manager who identifies and coordinates mainstream resources to help those in need to stabilize their lives. It was established in 1993. For more information on ChristNet, please contact the parish office.
The St. Alfred chapter of the Confraternity of Christian Women Altar Society was instituted in the early 1950's. The purpose of the society is to promote the aims of the Confraternity, especially that of the Christian home education of children to comply with the statutes to cultivate and promote greater devotion and service to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and promote the activities of our parish.
Under the patronage of Mother of Sorrows, the Christian Women seek to edify the sacramental purpose of the family.
Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month. Any Christian woman; member of the parish; whether married, single, divorced or widowed; is eligible for membership.
Note: Currently, this group only convenes in English.
The members of this society pray daily to honor our Blessed Mother, pray for the needs of the church and for specific intentions. Yearly, this group organizes several Marian feasts.
Is a group of women seeking to deepen in the knowledge of God's Son conceived in the holy womb of the Virgin Mary, to be able to understand and live a spirituality of the woman in the face of the challenges of the modern world, to grow in the commitment of bringing the Kingdom of God here on earth.
This group meets every Thursday at 10:00 AM. If you are interested in joining, look for the schedule on the parish online calendar of events and come check us out.
Note: Currently, this group only convenes in Spanish.
Experiencing an unplanned or crisis pregnancy? Seeking confidential help, information about adoption or post-abortion assistance? Click here.
St. Alfred understands that while visiting the sick is an integral part of Christian ministry, not everybody can make it to the hospital to fulfill this part of their call to discipleship. Our group of hospital visitors helps complete this obligation on behalf of all the members of our parish. Our visitors are trained as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and take Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to Catholics in our local hospitals. They not only bring the Eucharist, but also spend time visiting with the sick and bringing them the love of Jesus by their ministry of presence.
If you would like more information on how to join this special ministry, please call or email the parish office.
St. Alfred understands that while visiting the sick and aged is an integral part of Christian ministry, not everybody can visit nursing homes or people’s houses to fulfill this part of their call to discipleship. Our group of homebound and nursing home visitors helps complete this obligation on behalf of all the members of our parish. Our visitors are trained as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and take Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to Catholics in our local nursing homes and to individual parishioner’s homes as well. They not only bring the Eucharist, but also spend time visiting with the homebound and nursing home residents and bringing them the love of Jesus by their ministry of presence, keeping them connected to the parish and to the Catholic Church.
If you would like more information on how to join this special ministry, please call or email the parish office.
St. Alfred Church
24175 Baske St
Taylor, MI 48180-3319
Phone: 313-291-6464
Office Hours
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesdays: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Wednesdays & Thursdays:
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Fridays ▪ 9:00 AM - Noon
Closed Saturdays and Sundays
Office Hours
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesdays: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Wednesdays & Thursdays:
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Fridays ▪ 9:00 AM - Noon
Closed Saturdays and Sundays
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